Where to Start Reading Marvel Comics Reddit

Where to start reading marvel comics?

I recently starting reading comics and I'1000 interested in reading guardians of the galaxy and captain America and iron homo and ten men etc I was thinking off picking upwardly guardians of the galaxy volume 1 cosmic avengers but was wondering if that would be the correct place to start reading guardians of the milky way.

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level i

Before deciding what to read, you should know that the original GOTG team (dating back to the 60s, I remember) is nothing like the composition of the team we know and beloved from the MCU, except possibly for Yondu (though some classic members did have brief roles or cameos in GOTG vol. two).

level one

Thankyou for all the suggestions :)

level 1

"Cosmic avengers" is from a fairly unpopular run. I'd recommend instead "Guardians of the Milky way" by Abnett & Lanning, or you if want a squad and tone more than similar to the movies, "All-New Guardians of the Galaxy" by Gerry Duggan

level i

I started nigh a year agone. Someone suggest I offset with Annihilation. I don't regret it, to this day it'due south still my favorite read. It's ballsy, fun, and you bet introduced to a lot of cool characters. It also sets upward the modern cosmic Curiosity. If yous go on to read Annihilation:Conquest, you lot'll actually get to read how the mod day Guardians started (its a lot unlike then the movies though. Even so has Quill, Rocket, Groot, and Mantis though).

level 1

For Guardians of the Galaxy read Abnett and Lanning's total run then Cosmic Avengers.

For Helm America read Ed Brubaker'southward run

level 1

Right now I would recommend All-New Guardians of the Milky way by Gerry Duggan as the best identify to kickoff reading the Guardians. Cosmic Avengers past Brian Bendis isn't bad, just I didn't like it very much either.

For Captain America, beginning with Captain America by Ed Brubaker. For Atomic number 26 Human, offset with Atomic number 26 Human being: Extremis by Warren Ellis and Invincible Atomic number 26 Man by Matt Fraction.

level two

Thankyou and so much for the suggestions


Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/8iriel/where_to_start_reading_marvel_comics/

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