Two Pathways in the Arts Audiovideo Technology and Communications Career Cluster

Arts, Audio-video Technology, and Communication Career Cluster Overview

For centuries people have sought to ameliorate methods of communication. Through means as varied as trip the light fantastic, writing, and broadcasting, our basic need to communicate keeps us entertained, informed, and connected to one another and the world effectually u.s.a.. Although the field of arts, sound-video technology, and communication offers career opportunities that range from playwright to audio engineer, they all share i thing in common: a desire to improve our understanding of one another through advice.

Arts, Audio-video Technology, and Communication Career Cluster

Arts, Audio-video Engineering, and Advice

Careers in visual arts, performing arts, and areas of journalism, broadcasting, and movie call for strong creative talents. Workers in these areas must be able to invent or work with a concept or idea and convey information technology to a wide audience in a articulate and understandable manner. On the other hand, people who work in sound and video technology, press, and telecommunications demand to have the strong technical (math and science) skills that proceed these systems running.

Arts, Audio-video Technology, and Communication Career Pathways

There are six career pathways in this cluster: audio-video technology and movie, journalism and broadcasting, performing arts, printing technology, telecommunications, and visual arts.

Audio-Video Technology and Film Career Path

People in this surface area work with equipment that transmits audio and video images to people through television, film, radio, and other ways of advice. Workers in this area can design, install, repair, or monitor the use of such equipment in film and telly studios, businesses, concert venues and stadiums, and many other settings. Careers in sound-video technology and film include audio engineers, electronics service technicians, and multimedia sound workers.

Journalism and Broadcasting Career Path

Working from a story thought that they are either assigned or come up with themselves, journalists gather information on the topic from various sources, check and verify all of their facts, and write stories for impress, radio, goggle box, or online release. Broadcast workers buy, install, test, and operate the equipment that makes boob tube, radio, film, and Web broadcasts happen. Jobs in this category include audio recording engineers, broadcast engineers, news anchors, newspaper editors, and radio and idiot box program directors.

Performing Arts Career Path

This category includes all of the careers that make films, plays, and music and dance performances a reality. This includes the product companies that plan the events, the agents that rent talent, the performers themselves, and the technicians that create the lighting, makeup, and costumes that a performance requires. Careers in this area include actors, costume designers, music agents and scouts, and music conductors and directors.

Printing Technology Career Path

Careers in this expanse bargain with the creation of books, magazines, and newspapers from raw manuscript or electronic files to printed pages. The three main areas in this field are prepress (workers who gear up material for press), press (workers who monitor and operate printing presses), and postpress/binding (workers who cheque the quality of printed products and get together pages into the concluding product). Careers in printing technology include desktop publishing specialists, graphic designers, prepress workers, and printing press operators.

Telecommunications Career Path

Workers in this area install, monitor, and repair the equipment that transmits audio and video data across communication lines. This equipment is controlled by computer systems and is very sensitive in nature. Thus telecommunications work requires a high degree of technical noesis. Careers in this area include communications equipment technicians, cobweb eyes technicians, and telecommunication technicians.

Visual Arts Career Path

Careers in the visual arts autumn into two broad categories. Fine artists express their own thoughts and emotions through a variety of media and methods, such every bit painting, sculpture, and cartoon. Commercial artists, such as illustrators and graphic designers, use their creative talents to create packaging, logos, almanac reports, and other projects for corporate and individual clients. Careers in this category include artists, cartoonists and animators, way designers, interior designers and decorators, and medical illustrators and photographers.

Exploring Arts, Audio-video Engineering, and Communication

Most jobs in the arts and communications field crave at least an acquaintance's degree, but many (such as journalists and broadcast engineers) require a bachelor'due south degree or college, especially for upper-level and supervisory positions. For example, many community colleges offer two-year associate'due south degree programs in printing technology that would enable y'all to get an entry-level position in the field, simply combining this degree with an internship and advanced coursework in desktop design or concern management would provide more opportunities for advancement. Although it is possible to pursue a career in the performing arts, such as interim, without an advanced caste, most people in the field have some sort of formal training or a available's degree in fine arts, which can provide increased opportunities inside and outside of the field.

Although the jobs in this field are varied, they all require splendid communication skills and an appreciation for how messages are received by diverse audiences. If you lot are interested in this field, become involved with clubs and activities such as your school newspaper, yearbook, drama club, or acoustic club. Not only will y'all acquire some of the technical and performance skills this field requires, but you will larn the value of teamwork and grouping decision-making, which are as well important aspects of this field.

Arts, Audio-video Technology, and Communication Careers Outlook

The arts and communications industry is ane of the about popular fields—and therefore one of the about competitive. Employment growth in the radio and boob tube broadcasting and newspaper industries should be slower than the boilerplate through 2016, according to the U.Due south. Section of Labor. Major broadcasters and newspapers take consolidated in recent years to cut costs, thereby creating fewer new jobs. Working in a smaller market place to gain feel is a adept idea; most larger markets, such as Chicago and New York, prefer to hire experienced workers. Employment in the visual arts and printing industries should be a bit better, as changes in technology will create positions for workers with the right alloy of technical and creative skill.

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