Tim Tom Drawings Full Body

Timothy Leslie "Tim" Templeton is the main character of The Dominate Baby franchise. He is also Boss Baby'due south large brother.


Timothy Templeton is the firstborn son to Mr. and Mrs. Templeton. He is vii and a one-half years old and is shown to be quite the imaginative and happy male child, and he likes his life as an just kid. One morning time he wakes upward to the sound of the alarm clock and looks out the window to see a taxi arriving. Out of the taxi, appears Boss Infant dressed in a adjust and tie. A shocked Tim runs downstairs to confront his parents only to see them introduce him to his new younger brother.

Tim rapidly gets very jealous of his new Baby brother equally he takes upwardly all the time and attending of his parents. Tim tries to tell his parents that the baby is not normal and is manipulating them into doing what he wants. This is seen truthful when his parents leave the room and Boss Baby begins to requite a sour look to Tim and begin to fight. His parents, of grade, side with the baby when Tim blames him as they merely see the baby acting every bit a babe does.

During the nights, Tim is unable to sleep considering of Dominate Baby'due south relentless crying and his parents buzzing around the house trying to calm the young infant. He grows to resent his new younger blood brother.

1 dark, Tim expects his parents to constrict him in, hug, osculation him, tell him stories and sing to him in songs in order for him to sleep, a special tradition that occurred before the inflow of Boss Baby merely his parents have fallen asleep from exhaustion in the living room and when Tim hears a phone ring and realizes information technology isn't the home phone from the living phone, he follows the ringing to his younger brother's quarters, and he notices that it was the babe's toy telephone. There, he finds out that his suspicions are correct and that Dominate Babe can talk and has been manipulating Tim's parents. Tim reveals himself and calls Boss Baby out resulting in Boss Baby trying to encompass information technology upward with baby speak only failing. Eventually Boss Babe reveals himself to Tim and explains what he's doing, steal Tim'south parents' time and attention abroad from him. Tim threatens the infant with exposure of his ability to talk but Boss Baby knows they won't believe Tim.

The following day, Tim figures out that the only way for his parents to believe him is if he manages to find proof of the baby'due south ability to speak by recording him. He prepares engineering science as a hearing device, a mask, record recorder, etc. to become bear witness. He rushes through the hallway like a ninja and trips on a toy in the staircase leading to him tumbling downstairs only to be discovered by a group of babies led by Dominate Baby. Jimbo is about to drool in his mouth when Tim'due south parents walk into the room and the babies resume interim like ordinary babies. After the parents leave, the babies decide to begin their meeting. Tim stays from a distance to tape their voices and plans with his tape recorder but this plan is stopped as Boss Infant orders Jimbo to create interference with his rattle.

During this time, Tim manages to mind in on the problems of Boss Infant and his associates. He finds out well-nigh Baby Corp's problem of puppies stealing the love away from babies. This would lead to parents having less babies, preffering puppies instead and bankrupting the visitor. Worst of all, he learns that PuppyCo is to reveal a new breed of puppy (the Forever Puppy) that is said to put all of babykind in jeopardy. During this meeting, the parents over again walk in and brainstorm to accept pictures of the babies in their "play coming together". After they leave, Boss Baby utters how embarrassing it was to have to behave like a baby, Tim manages to record this one line and has the proof to show this to his parents. The babies speedily grew wind of this plan and attempted to confiscate the record to not reveal their identity. The babies begin to chase Tim. Tim is nearly to enter the room where his parents are earlier the babies get in to detain him and steal the recording. Afterward a whole chase scene, which has the tape flying from the babies and Tim, Tim manages to escape with the record to the second floor just Boss Baby follows him. A chase continues until Tim opens the door to an out-of-control Boss Infant stuck within a toy who rolls out of the business firm. Tim, feeling victorious, heads to testify his parents the proof in the house's office only to find out that Boss Baby is the ane in the part. Tim is flabbergasted as he saw Dominate Baby leave the house out-of-control.

Dominate Baby and Tim continue to fight and Tim is about to toss Boss Baby out of the window using a slingshot until caught by their parents. Boss Baby begins to weep and the parents angrily enquire Tim what he's doing, he replies with "Zippo." and instead of Boss Infant, accidentally tosses the tape exterior the window and onto the street where it gets run over past a passing car. Mrs. Templeton is furious at Tim and decides to time-out and ground him for "three eternities". Tim is next seen imaging himself within a prison prison cell counting away his days until he'southward talked to by his sorcerer alert clock. Eventually Boss Baby enters Tim's "prison cell" or room to try and comfort the male child as he feels bad for what he did. Boss Baby offers Tim if he wants to meet what BabyCo is and what their programme is. Tim agrees and both of them use special BabyCo pacifiers to transform themselves into holograms and see the BabyCo edifice. In that location, Tim asks if this is where babies come up from. Dominate Baby confirms this and Tim, whispering, tells Boss Infant what his parents told him about where babies come from (probably the result of a 'talk' rather early). Dominate Baby hilariously winces in disgust and denies the idea.

Boss Babe explains what keeps the babies young forever, which is their milk formula. He shows him the problem that puppies are stealing the love of adults from babies which has them is a state of distress. Boss Babe so shows the Hall of Popular and Virtually Acknowledged Boss Babies. Here, Boss Baby shows Tim someone he admires, Super Colossal Big Fat Dominate Baby. Afterward Boss Baby witnesses his boss ask about Boss Infant and his progress of finding out what the new type of puppy PuppyCo is planning to release and if he doesn't he'd be fired. Tim is forced out of this hologram land and back to the existent earth where he has to deal with a stressing-out Dominate Infant. Tim agrees to aid Boss Babe in gild to remove him from his household.

Dominate Baby and Tim cheque their parents' files when they are comatose in the living room. Eventually they find out that they're going to reveal this new puppy in Las Vegas. They also find out that Take Your Son to Work Day is approaching and that with that, they can enter PuppyCo and extract the information they need but since Tim is grounded, they are unsure if they volition be able to get. They agree that the but way for Tim to exist immune to go is if he proves that the brothers have grown to dear each other which will lead to the parents ungrounding Tim though they both reluctantly agree. This leads to Tim trying to feed Boss Baby, Tim trying to put on a sailor adjust on Boss Baby for a photo shoot and Tim reading Hansel & Gretel to Dominate Babe. The parents meet this and are happy about this.

The adjacent day, Tim is woken upwards by his parents and is surprised and happy to hear that he's not grounded anymore and that his parents plan to take him on Accept Your Son to Work Day by PuppyCo. Tim asks if Boss Infant can go too and they agree. Eventually the family get in at PuppyCo and see all the puppy-based attractions and rides. Tim'south parents offer Tim the opportunity to spend a day solitary with simply them since they see that they haven't been spending too much time with Tim. Tim looks as if he is going to accept this offer but refuses in order to continue Boss Baby and his mission to find out the new puppy. They sympathise simply instruct them to stay in the Puppy Room. They find out a big door with a guard that doesn't allow children or unauthorized personnel. The brothers organize a programme to sneak the babe in using a puppy arrange (which is mortifying for Boss Baby), pretending to be a puppy through the Puppy Door. This leads to crazy hi-jinx but the ii manage to slither within the restricted space.

The 2 stumble upon a room with many files and folders. Tim and Dominate Infant get in to see a confidential file on a pedestal. Tim stops Boss Babe from simply taking it though saying that he's seen this before and that they have to replace the current file with another file and then they don't trigger the trap. They succeed just Boss Baby becomes besides excited and accidentally drools on the replacement file triggering the trap which leads to large domino effect which ends with the ii captured. The file they took is shown to be a decoy and they see a man in a puppy arrange reveal himself. And so after, Francis E. Francis confronts the baby and Tim. Baby Boss asks why Francis Francis is doing what he'south doing. Francis E. Francis reveals his identity and story to the two. Francis Eastward. Francis is really Boss Babe'due south idol, Super Colossal Large Fat Boss Babe who had grown up afterwards he was fired from BabyCo because he was lactose intolerant so he couldn't drink the eternal youth formula leading to him aging and him existence less popular amongst the babies leading to eventual replacement with Boss Baby'due south electric current boss. Francis E. Francis was sent to a farmer'southward family where he grew up with only revenge in his mind. Eventually Francis reveals that the puppy he plans to reveal is a puppy that never ages by using the key component of the babies' eternal youth formula which is unknowingly brought to Francis via Boss Baby.

Francis and so tells him of his plans to take Mr. and Mrs. Templeton to Las Vegas while leaving Tim and Boss Baby under Eugene'southward care, who volition be bearded as a nanny. Eventually, they are released and Francis'due south plans go on without interruption equally Tim and Boss Baby are trapped within their own domicile under the supervision of Eugene. Tim comes upwards with a plan to make Boss Baby announced sick and vomit simply the vomit is artificial and blasted through a vacuum cleaner. Eugene is disgusted by this ordeal and retreats to puke in the toilet. Boss Baby and Tim trap Eugene's head in the toilet and proceed to run abroad using Tim'southward cycle. Eugene continues to follow the two fifty-fifty with a toilet on their head. The two and Eugene appoint in a chase heading towards the airport to cease their parents from leaving to Las Vegas with their parents. Boss Babe calls upon the aid of his assembly. The triplets, Jimbo and Stacey succeed in stalling Eugene but are unable to finish him. Eventually Tim's bike loses its preparation wheels which causes Tim to panic as Tim is unable to ride a bike without training wheels. Boss Infant helps Tim though and he becomes able to ride his bike without the wheels. They manage to lose Eugene. The ii arrive at the airport and are very close to their parents but Boss Baby begins reverting to a normal babe every bit his formula was stolen past Francis. Tim is forced to return to remember Dominate Infant but that causes them to waste material fourth dimension and Francis manages to quickly escort the parents into the plane before Tim and Boss Baby can catch up with them.

This causes Tim and Boss Babe to go into a fight as they believe that they have failed and that there's no hope. Eventually Boss Baby leaves in a rage leaving Tim alone. Tim stays crouched virtually the window to the airstrip for hours until he receives a call from Boss Babe. The Templeton boys reconcile and decide that they can still make information technology to Las Vegas via a plane past the Elvis Convention. They steal an Elvis outfit from a man in the bathroom and make their onto the plane where they observe themselves in start class where Tim teaches Boss Infant how to utilise his imagination. They get in in Las Vegas and decide to hitch a ride with some girls to the Las Vegas Convention Middle. Simply it is revealed that Eugene managed to follow them dressed himself as an Elvis impostor as well. They make their style to the reveal of the eternally young puppy. Anybody in the convention, including Eugene, is awe-struck at how adorable the puppy is. Boss Infant protects Tim from seeing it. Tim eventually grabs the attention of his parents, prompting them to enquire why the kids are not habitation. Francis, in a panic, throws the parents inside the reveal box. Tim and Dominate Baby follow a fleeing Francis to a room with a large rocket total of eternally young puppies that is to exist sent to deliver puppies all over the world.

Tim and Dominate Infant manage to escape Eugene again and confront Francis. Francis tries to bring Tim to his side, telling him that they were both neglected and had their beloved stolen abroad by babies. Tim refuses to join him, remaining loyal to his new brother. The two are eventually defeated by Eugene and are left hanging on a railing over a pot of anti-crumbling formula. Fortunately, they use their imagination to imagine a pirate battle and manage to overpower Francis and instead toss him into the anti-crumbling formula. They're near to end the rocket from flight off but Tim hears his parents' cry for help and Tim goes to help them. The hatch of the rocket opens and Boss Baby is on it right before it takes off. Boss Babe, unfortunately, reverts back to a normal baby and Tim needs to lower him from there before it takes off. Tim sings one of his parents' songs and he calms the crying baby downwardly and manages to lower him from the hatch. He gives Dominate Baby a driblet of the pure anti-aging formula transforming back to normal. Francis, reverted dorsum to a babe, surfaces from the formula intent on revenge.

He is stopped past Eugene who gives him a pacifier and leaves with a promise to the Templeton boys to 'raise him right'. Tim and Boss Baby return to costless their parents and their mission is consummate. Boss Infant bids good day to his associates and Tim. But Tim and Boss Baby had grown to dear each other and begin to miss each other. Because the parents will exist worried about the baby while he's gone, their memories of Boss Baby are wiped by the BabyCo workers and life resumes as normal. One of these workers asks Tim if he wants to forget about the baby, only he refuses. Merely ane day, Tim sends a letter to Boss Baby that has a callback to a conversation they had well-nigh the beginning of the picture. An ecstatic Boss Baby leaves his function running, breaks the BabyCo system by messing with the love pie nautical chart and he rips off all his clothes and heads to the babe conveyor belt from the offset seat to render as the Templetons' youngest child. The scene with Boss Baby arriving in a taxi is repeated but this fourth dimension when Tim is introduced to Boss Babe, he embraces the baby and they abound up together and accept a happy catastrophe.

The 'epilogue' shows an developed Tim finishing the story to his girl, who's nervous considering she herself is getting a new sibling. The girl asks her dad if he'due south joking, but Tim deflects the question onto an adult Boss Infant. The trio go to visit the newest member of the Templeton family: a girl in a adjust and tie, much as Boss Baby came into Tim'southward life at the beginning.

Physical appearance

He has bluish eyes, fair peel and light dark-brown hair. He usually wears quite casual clothes unless his parents have special outfits for him.


Tim has a really wild imagination. He constantly dreams about parallel worlds in any situation, making him quite boisterous at times. However, due to this, his parents sometime question his behavior and whether he is always telling the truth. He has also shown to be quite a stiff boy for his age, equally he is able to take on Francis E. Francis, Eugene and Theodore's ground squad. He also is able to move outdoor benches and lift upwards Jumbo.


  • His Voice Actor, Miles Bakshi, has appeared in other DreamWorks productions, namely Shrek Forever After, Shrek the Halls and Puss in Boots: The 3 Diablos.
  • Tim, forth with some other characters have slightly inverse in terms of appearance in the Tv set Series. For example, Tim's eyes are not as round and big, or actually have a glass like advent.
  • Tim's personality and imagination also seems a bit different in the Goggle box series. He seems to get more concerned and frustrated quite easily. He also seems to be interested in some fictional comic character by the name of Dekker Moonboots. The latter wasn't the example in the movie, as Tim believed in pretending to be something else such every bit a ninja.
  • Tim's favorite food is hot dogs.




Source: https://dreamworks.fandom.com/wiki/Tim_Templeton

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