Can You Plug a Power Strip Into an Extension Cord

ORLANDO, Fla. (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- According to the US consumer production safety commission, every yr electric extension cords cause most 4,000 trips to infirmary emergency rooms.

The misuse of electric extension cords and ability strips also cause more than 3,000 house fires every twelvemonth, killing nigh 50 people and injuring over 250. Here are some rules on how to use ability strips correctly to keep you and your loved ones safe.

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Betwixt all the cellphones, computers, tablets, TVs, stereos, routers and lamps, yous may take an expanse in your dwelling overloaded with electric cords.

To keep this from becoming a fire hazard, rule number one is to never overload your power strips. If the power strip or extension cord feels hot, that is a sign that information technology is overloaded and may start a fire.

Rule two: never plug high power chapters appliances, like infinite heaters, refrigerators, or microwave and toaster ovens into power strips or extension cords. These appliances accept higher power capacity and demand to be plugged into a wall outlet direct.

Dominion number three: always plug power strips directly into the wall. It is o.k. temporarily to plug an extension string to a power strip, just never a power strip to an extension string. Besides, do not connect multiple extension cords together.

And rule number 4: don't use indoor power strips outdoors. If the ability strip gets damaged by rain or snowfall, it tin can damage anything plugged into it.

Another tip: never place rugs over extension cords. They can become easily damaged while being walked on and since the cords are out of view, the damage is too. Thus leaving exposed wires that can cause a burn.

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